
Sour Patch (4 16oz servings)
4 celery stalks
8 carrots
1 english cucumber
6 apples (red & green)
2 lemons
buncha hands of greens (kale, chard, spinach)...1/3-1/2 of a costco mixed bag

Candy Carrot (4 16oz servings)

16 carrots
2 apples
2 pears

Perfect Pear (4 16oz servings)

4 pears
2 sweet potatoes
2 red apples
2 hands blueberry
handfuls of greens to fill
2 dash cinnamon

Green Apple (4 16oz servings)

4 green apples
4 oranges
15 big hands greens

Greenie Lemonade (4 16oz servings)

15 kale leaves
6 hands spinach
3 green apples
2 cucumber
4 celery
1 zucchini
1-2 lemons

Jac's Mean Green (4 16oz servings)
15 kale leaves
4 cucumber
4 celery
1 zucchini
2 green apples
1 red apple
6 hands spinach
1 lemon
1" ginger knob

Gimme that Green (4 16oz servings)

12 kale leaves
5 hands spinach
4 celery
2 green apple
2 cucumber

Fear Factor Juice (4 16oz servings)
12 carrots
2 heads romaine
1/4 head of cabbage
1 cucumber
2 cups chunk pineapple
1 lime

Carrot Flower (32oz)
10 carrots
1 head cauliflower
2 sweet potatoes

Spicy Potato (32oz)
1 sweet potato
4 carrots
1 large red bell pepper
2 stalks celery
1" knob ginger

Pink Stink (4 16oz servings)
2 beets
2 green apples
2 pears
12 leaves romaine
3 hands chopped broccoli 
1" knob ginger

Loaded V8ish (4 16oz servings)
12 carrots
2 beets
6 large tomatoes
4 cups spinach
1/2 head cabbage
1 Anaheim pepper
2 red bell peppers
2 green bell peppers
6 stalks celery
1/2 sweet onion
1 garlic clove
6 kale leaves
3 dash chili pepper
pepper to taste

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