Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 6: Cauliflower juice smells like poop

....but it didn't ruin my juice so I'll let cauliflower live.  Today I had to brave going to the store and only buying more fruits and veggies.  I told my mom we had to hurry up and get the hell out of there cause I wanted to rub up on all things yummy.  I struggled with hunger today for the first time.  I'm going to add more juice to my day tomorrow to help out, definitely want to listen to my body.  Speaking of, Lanae told me she was going to introduce solids back into her diet today.  She feels like she needs more and she is breast feeding so she definitely needs to listen to her body.  If I didn't have my mom to keep juicing with me I think my motivation would have plummeted, which is interesting because I really feel this is an independent, soul searching type of journey that you fight your demons in.  I guess knowing someone else is fighting theirs helps.  I'll have to update this later with the pictures and recipes from today's juice fest.  I am just too lazy right now.  On to day 7...

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