Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 9

Wow...9 days. I'm shocked I am here.  We are about to go to costco and do another large haul.  We bought some little additions along the way but this will be our first big trip since day zero.  I am sitting here writing this while smelling my brother's breakfast of waffles.  I can't say that I don't want to punch something, but I will say I was doing just fine til he woke up.  I'm quickly writing this so I can go down a glass of juice.  I'm fine once I have some again.  We have been adding 1 tablespoon of chia seeds to a little water in between one meal a day, and also adding 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed to a juice per day.  I couldn't remember if I had mentioned that before.  My mom and I don't know when our end day is, we are still taking it one day at a time.  If I am correct, Lanae is beginning her next 5 day juice fast tomorrow.  She is doing 5 on 5 off I believe.  Hopefully she will post about that later. Anyway, I have to go down some juice before I go eat the toaster. 

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