Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 8: 11 pounds down

Today was weigh in day.  I'm down 11, Mom is down 9.5.  She is much smaller than I am and I was surprised she lost so much as well.  We know this is lots of water weight included, but still, I needed that after the crap that was yesterday.  Now that I am consistently smelling things (after 6+ weeks of super congestion), I realize the juices I have had zero problems with tasting...smell pretty bad.  This must be why Mom hasn't liked them as much as I have...cause they reek.  So advice to new juicers- pinch your nose, juice tastes good but smells like rotting flesh sometimes.  Here is a peppy picture of my mother juicing.  You notice there is not a peppy picture of myself juicing.  That's cause I'm a fatty, and in true fatty form, I hate pictures.


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