Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fridge full o' skinny

Well, there goes a paycheck.  Its no secret, juicing is expensive.  However, for me, being a fatty is more expensive.  I am a high class fatty.  I'm not fat cause I am so broke I have to eat top ramen and other nutrient empty foods.  I eat what I want, when I want it.  The more extravagant and fatty the better. So buying this much produce from mostly Costco isn't the end of the world.  Know what is expensive? Eating out!  Even more expensive will be the five stents I will need to open arteries after my third myocardial infarction.  So yes.  I'm serious. As a heart attack.

For those in the household not juicing, I kicked the non vegetation items out to the refrigerator in the garage and they are on their own for making meals.  I'm lucky that I'm in a situation to do that. This juice fast is drug rehab.  I want to treat it like such.  Oh good golly, less than 24 hours away now.  Help.


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