Saturday, January 18, 2014

I'm Lanae and I'm a transient fatty

Being a transient fatty means I sometimes find skinniness to be happiness and sometimes choose fried chicken to be happiness. Apparently my happiness since my daughter was born 6 months ago has been my beautiful baby girl and fried chicken. But I'm donesky, meng. Ready for my happy place to be SkinnyLand again. And after I jump start my adventure with an excruciating 10-day juice detox, I plan to sporadically do 3 days juice detoxes every 3 months or so for a kick in the butt. I actually know a whole lot about nutrition. I just lack the will power to use it at times. Furthermore, I just graduated nursing school, just became an RN, licensed to save lives, and I'm on the verge of finding a job and beginning my lifelong and rewarding nursing career.....and I want to start it out right; healthy and happy.

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