While I opted to lay around in bed most of the day, today really wasn't all that bad. It is the end of the night now and its the first time I have dealt with hunger pain that did not go away within a couple of minutes. So far, my mom and I have both noticed we feel hungry right after our juice, more than we did right before the juice. Pretty sure that is still just phantom hunger pains trying to lure me down the path of evil. My mother's headache from yesterday cleared up and she hopes she is through the caffeine detox. We find ourselves craving a more "savory" taste and plan to experiment with spicy vegetables and less fruit. I will say that I am surprised at how green my juices are (in both color and ingredients) and how I am not having an issue with taste. My mom and I seem to have opposite preferences, as I gravitate toward the green tasting juices and my mom likes the sweeter juices. I've just never been too much of a sweets person, maybe that has something to do with our taste preferences. Who knows. Yesterday, we juiced enough for 6 servings for two days. However, on both days we ended up only drinking 4, so we actually have a third day ahead of us without juicing. Thank goodness because I wasn't ready to get up and juice all damn day again. We plan to go see a movie tomorrow and take some juice in. I want to take a picture of my face tomorrow because I keep forgetting and want to see if there are noticeable changes after the fast. My skin has been crap lately.
My hunger pains are getting crazy so I'm gonna run and try to put myself to sleep immediately before the demons take over.
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